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G200 Series Manual - Asset GPS Tracker

G200L at a Glance

The G200L is a magnetically installed GPS tracker available in global 2G or 4G LTE frequencies. With GPS and a microphone, the G200L can be used for real-time tracking or for long-term asset monitoring. The G200L also supports alarm alerts when the device is removed from assets.


GPS Command List

* Notes:

  • When typing the command, please don't type the "+" symbol, and replace "space" to " ".

  • Default password: 123456

  • Set the primary number for the first time use, if necessary receive an alarm alert SMS from the device.

  • Every time you send an SMS command, make sure there is a "Set OK" reply from G200L which indicates the command has been received.

Step 1: Set IP Port

adminip+password+space+IP Address+space+Port Number


adminip123456 8989

* No need to do this setting if using the Secumore1 application

Step 2: Set APN

apn123456+space+Local APN+space+APN Name+space+APN Password


APN123456 telkomsel wap wap123

APN123456 indosatgprs indosat indosat

APN 123456 xlgprs proxl

APN123456 3data 3data 3data

APN123456 AXIS axis 123456

APN123456 INTERNET (Global SMS for Telkomsel)

Get Device Location Google Maps Link


Set Device Removal Alarm Alert



remove123456 1

Turn Off Device Removal Alarm Alert



remove123456 0

* Tip: Device removal alarm alert: The device is attached to the metal cover with a magnet, so the device removal alarm alert will be triggered once the device is removed from the asset.

Set Time Interval

ITV123456+space+Time Interval


If the time interval is 60 s, then the format of the SMS command is

ITV123456 60

Set Primary Number

centernum123456+space+Phone Number


centernum123456 0811999123

* no need to include country code

Delete Primary Number


* Primary Number servers to receive warning alarm messages from the device.

Set Low Battery Alarm



lowbat123456 1

Turn Off Low Battery Alarm



lowbat123456 0

Set Time Zone

timezone123456+space+(Time Zone * 60)


If the time zone is +5.5 (so 5.5 * 60 = 330), then the format of the SMS command is

timezone123456 330

Check Device Status


* Check GSM GPS status

Check Current Device Mode


Restart Device


Set Alarm Mode

  • App Alarm (Default): KC123456+space+1 (Example: KC123456 1)

  • App+SMS Alarm: KC123456+space+2 (Example: KC123456 2)

  • App+SMS+PhoneCall Alarm: KC123456+space+3 (Example: KC123456 3)

Set Vibrating Alarm



vibrate123456 1

* Must remain static for 3 minutes before vibration

Turn Off Vibrating Alarm



vibrate123456 0

* Must remain static for 3 minutes before vibration

Set Factory Mode


* This command will delete all previously created commands

How to Use G200L

Step 1

To turn on the device, insert a 4G GSM SIM Card (nano size) with GPRS data already active. Make sure to remove the PIN code if required by the SIM Card.

Step 2

Edit the SMS commands that will be sent to the device's SIM Card number one by one, as follows:

  • Set IP Port: adminip123456 8989

  • Set APN: apn123456 LocalAPN APNName APNPassword

Step 3

Check the device by going outside and letting the device vibrate for 5 minutes to get an accurate location, especially on the first use.

Step 4

Platform/Application Login:

Default login with device IMEI number as username, password: 123456

Set Working Mode

Mode 0 (Set Real-Time Tracking Mode)

SMS Command: *SPJLX*P:123456*RM:1,0#

0 means Real-Time Tracking Mode

Mode 1 (Set Power Saving Mode)

SMS Command: *SPJLX*P:123456*RM:1,1,3,3,120,30,3,30#

1 means Power Saving Mode

The user can change the orange parameter value according to the actual needs:

  • When the vehicle which the device is installed moves, the device will update the new location every 1 minute.

  • When the vehicle which the device is installed is idle, the device will go into sleep mode to save its power and turn back on for 3 minutes (according to the orange parameter value 3) every 120 minutes (according to the orange parameter value 120). The device will indicate inactivity in the server when it is in this mode.

Mode 2 (Set Turn On Device Time Mode)

SMS Command: *SPJLX*P:123456*RM:1,2,3,1:00,2:00,...#

2 means Turn On Device Time Mode

The user can change the orange parameter value according to the actual needs:

  • The device will turn on for 3 minutes (according to the orange parameter value 3) at the set time (1:00, 2:00, etc.).

  • The device will indicate inactivity in the server when it is in sleep mode.

* Tip: In all working modes, the standby time of the device is directly affected by the "work time". If the device works for a longer time, the battery standby time will be shorter.



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